Teaching Creative Workshops in Person and Online

For over two years Patricia van den Akker of The Design Trust researched, interviewed and wrote her first book Teaching Creative Workshops In Person & Online, and it will be published by Herbert Press / Bloomsbury Publishing on Thursday 20th February 2025.
You can pre-order this ‘ultimate handbook for creatives who teach’ from the Herbert Press website, Amazon or any bookshops.
The book is packed full of practical advice and exercises, great creative case studies with people like Ekta Kaul, Hanny Newton and Rauni Higson and checklists. From why, what and how to teach either in person or online (or both!), to how to organise and plan your workshops or courses better, improve your confidence as a teacher, to costing and pricing, and loads on marketing your teaching. It’s a very visual and useful book for any creatives who want t teach better, more uniquely and creatively, and make some money too!