What I Offer
Shaped by years of practical experience in the handmade industry, my work underpins the entire making community, from the graduate to the established designer-maker. My mission? To help makers to stand out in this oversaturated world. Everything I offer is designed to save time, save money and save stress!
Mentoring starts with a first step and reaching out for help and guidance.
If you want to work on your business then there is no time like the present.
I look forward to hearing from you and sharing your journey.
Call me on 07966 790 820 or send an email by clicking the button below.

Individuals and Small Businesses
A maker’s uniqueness is without doubt their superpower but locating, and then expressing, that uniqueness is challenging.
Whether it be writing a personal story, one-to-one coaching and mentoring, or delving more deeply into a maker’s identity with my “Maker self-discovery” process, I am here to support, to guide and to help people excel.
Practical Support for Makers
The way a maker presents themselves is as important as the work they produce. For makers who struggle with writing text, I provide a copywriting, editing and proofreading service to remove the stress of the written word. My services, including full website appraisals, are designed to be easy and efficient, allowing makers to get on with what they love best: making!
Universities & Larger Organisations
My work transfers easily from the one-to-one setting to the group environment, both in-person and online. I offer cost-effective talks and sessions to help support makers at any stage in their careers, from the student embarking on a life of making to the well-established designer-maker seekin to reinvigorate their business and their general approach.